Clinton Dating Law

Clinton dating lawsuit

Clinton Dating Law

On this day in 1993, Bill Clinton, the first Democratic president in 12 years, signed the North American Free Trade Agreement into law. The pact, which took effect on Jan. 1, 1994, created the. Encounters between potential in-laws can often be awkward, but this untold chapter in Clinton family history may take the cake. President Bill Clinton once had the opportunity to save his. While Bill and Hillary Clinton have been at the forefront of American politics for decades, their marriage had a very humble beginning. After reportedly refusing Bill's proposal three times. The same article on Capitol Hill Blue further alleges that 'a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college. Hillary and Bill Clinton have been married since 1975.


Who was DeWitt Clinton?
DeWitt Clinton appears on the earliest tax stamps in 1879 listed here (please correct me if you have different information. He was NOT, as some believe, ever a President of the US, although he did run for that office against Madison. I am not sure why he appears on the Internal Revenue tax stamp, since that body was not formed until the Civil War. Here is a brief biography. If you have trouble reading this, copy and paste it to a word processor and increase the font.
'A lawyer and statesman, DeWitt Clinton was born in Little Britain,
New York, and was educated at ColumbiaCollege. Three years after graduating in 1786, Clinton was admitted to the bar, became secretary to his uncle, George Clinton, who was the governor of New York. Soon after, he became a member of the Anti-Federalist party.
He was a member of the
New York state legislature from 1797 until 1802, when he became a member of the U.S. Senate. However, he later resigned in 1803 in order to serve as mayor of New York City, and thus he served in that capacity with two brief interruptions until 1815.
In 1812, he ran unsuccessfully for the
U.S. presidency against James Madison. One of Clinton’s most lasting accomplishments as a leader in civic and state affairs was the establishment of the New York public school system; actively interested in all scientific and social questions, he encouraged steam navigation, modified the laws governing criminals and debtors, and advocated the building of the Erie Canal. On the strength of the canal question, which he had made a political issue, Clinton was elected as governor of New York, serving from 1817 to 1823.'

**(IMPORTANT Cycleback Note:Tax stamps could be used past their printed date.For example, ‘1909’ stamps have been found on packs from the late 1910s.The only way to date a cigarette pack to an exact year is when there is a date printed on top of the tax stamp.The printed date is often in red and very had to read.This printed date does not ordinarily appear on the tax stamp, often because it was faded away.This note illustrates that being able to date a pack to a year is uncommon )

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been in the public eye for decades now. We've watched as their hair, eyewear, and clothes have progressed throughout the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s. We've seen them through some great times and some, well, not-so-great times (cough). It's pretty difficult to imagine them without one another, but believe it or not, there was a time when they didn't yet know each other. Like most married couples, Hillary and Bill dated other people before starting their own romance. So — who did Hillary Clinton date before she married Bill?

When Bill was running for president in 1993, a joke about the couple circulated: The Clintons are driving in Hillary's hometown and when they stop to get gas; Hillary notices the station attendant is her high school boyfriend. As they leave, Bill says, 'See, if you’d married him, you’d be working at a gas station.” Hillary replies, 'If I’d married him, he’d be President.'

Clinton Dating Laws


One of Hillary's ex-boyfriends even claims she broke up with him because he wasn't ambitious enough — i.e. he didn't want to be president some day. If that's the case, who are Hillary's past flings that could've been our 42nd president?

Here are a couple of people that Hillary dated before she met Bill...

Clinton Dating Lawyer

David Rupert

When Bill and Hillary met at Yale in 1970, she was dating a different man: David Rupert. Hillary and Rupert dated for about three years after they met in the summer of 1968. Hillary was studying at Wellesley, and Rupert was a student at Georgetown. He claims the then-23-year-old broke up with him because he lacked ambition.

'I never stated a burning desire to be President of the United States,' Rupert told The Guardian. 'I believe that was a need for her in a partner.' While that may or may not be true, she could have just been infatuated with Bill.

Jeff Shields

Before Rupert, there was Jeff Shields. Hillary started dating the Harvard student her first year at Wellesley in 1965. They saw each other almost every weekend throughout her first few years of college, taking hiking trips to Cape Cod and Vermont and having long political discussions.

'The thing that I remember most were the conversations,' Shields told Vanity Fair. 'She would rather sit around and talk about current events or politics or ideas than to go bicycle riding or to a football game.' Shields was a lawyer in Chicago before becoming the Vermont Law School president and dean. He passed away in 2014.

Clinton Dating Lawsuit

Images: Vermont Law School (1)